

Looking for Invisalign in Desoto? For an appointment at CFD Smile of Desoto call our office today at 972-224-5397 ormake an appointment today.


  • No uncomfortable wiring
  • Transparent
  • Easily removed

Duration of the Invisalign Treatment

A patient generally completes his or her treatment within a year, but it will vary for each person. Your dentist will be able to provide you with an estimated timeframe at your consultation.


Since Invisalign aligners are custom made, the cost will vary per patient. What generally determines the cost of your treatment will be the extent of your dental problems. Our dental office offers numerous payment options.

Retainer After Invisalign

Our dentist will recommend wearing retainers once you have completed your Invisalign treatment. Additionally, our dentist may suggest scheduling more frequent appointments for teeth cleaning to maintain excellent results.

Invisalign is a popular option for straightening your teeth. Call CFD Smile of Desoto at 972-224-5397 to schedule a consultation.
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